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Doctrinal Platform

A. Synodical Confessions

The Apostolic, Nicene and Athanasian Creeds, the Particular Symbols of the Lutheran Church as published in the Book of Concord 1580, the Brief Statement of 1932, and the confessions listed in the CLC Constitution (Article IIID), namely Concerning Church Fellowship and Concerning Church and Ministry, and all the doctrinal statements adopted by a CLC convention as a synodical confession.

The Apostolic, Nicene and Athanasian Creeds

The Book of Concord 1580

The Brief Statement of 1932 — A short summary of our beliefs, originally created and adopted by the LCMS in 1932, and still adhered to by the CLC.

Concerning Church Fellowship (CCF) — Our statement on the important Scriptural principle of Church Fellowship.

Concerning Church and Ministry (CCM) — Our statement on the Relation of Synod and Local Congregation to the Holy Christian Church.

B. Documents that represent the teachings of the CLC

Official statements of the President or of the Board of Doctrine as well as official publications of the CLC, printed and online. For example:

CLC Statement of Faith and Purpose — A small pamphlet that briefly and simply explains some of our doctrinal positions.

Mark… Avoid — Lest the hearts of the simple be deceived (Romans 16: 17-18). Our statement explaining the origin of CLC due to broken unity and separation for the sake of preservation and propagation.

Theses and Anti-Theses Regarding Admonition and Termination of Church Fellowship (TARA)

Same-sex Marriage Policy — PDF — Our statement in response to the June 26, 2015, Supreme Court declaration that the United States Constitution requires states to license and recognize marriages between two people of the same sex.

Concerning Church Fellowship – Popular Version – A more recent document discussing the important Scriptural principal of Church Fellowship.

CCF A Short Summary – A shorter version of Concerning Church Fellowship

C. Essays and studies presented at conferences within the CLC.

These are not adopted but received with thanks. Please contact the CLC archivist for past conference essays and studies.