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A truly confessional Lutheran Church realizes the importance of Christian Education. Therefore, many congregations of the CLC provide a Christian elementary education for their school-aged students. All CLC congregations join together to support a high school, college and seminary in Eau Claire, Wisconsin — Immanuel Lutheran High School, College and Seminary (ILC).

ILHS/ILC Website | Traveling VBS | Sunday School Material

The purpose of our schools

“Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

We believe that the Lutheran school is a proper response to God’s concern for the Christian education of children. God leaves no doubt about His expectations in Christian education. Both in commands and in promises He expresses His earnest concern for the Christian upbringing of children.

     God’s Command:
     “Bring up your children in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Eph 6:4).
     How we are to do this?
“Teach them (God’s words) diligently to your children” (Deut 4:7).
     Why are we to do this?
“That they may place their hope in God” (Psalm 78:7).


We believe so strongly in the importance of Christian Education that our members and congregations have worked, prayed and sacrificed to establish and maintain our elementary and secondary schools.


Our Elementary Schools

Many of our congregations provide a Christian elementary education for their students. Teachers and volunteers are committed to providing a quality education, integrating our Christian beliefs into all aspects of their education.

We are blessed to see these students continue on to high school, college, and careers living the faith they have been taught — and becoming productive citizens of their congregations and communities.

To see a detailed list of these schools along with their contact information (visit the school directory).


Immanuel Lutheran High School, College & Seminary

Many CLC students continue their Christian education on a campus supported and maintained by all CLC congregations. A Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary all share space on a beautifully wooded 70+ acre campus in Eau Claire, Wisconsin (visit website). Immanuel Lutheran Church in Mankato, MN also provides a Christian high school education for local students (visit website).

These schools confess and teach the same pure doctrine and maintain the same high standard of education shared by all CLC congregations.

Graduates have become pastors, teachers and committed laypeople — productive citizens of their congregations and their communities.

Have you considered entering into the preaching or teaching program? This survey may help you in making a decision and will provide our “Partners in Public Ministry” committee with valuable feedback.