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Each reference in this index includes volume number, issue number, and page(s). For example, the reference 22/3:2-12 is to be interpreted as volume 22, issue 3, pages 2 to 12. To convert volume numbers to years, add 1960 to the volume number.

The key to the initials of authors and contributors is as follows:

E.A. = Egbert Albrecht

J.A. = James Albrecht

P.G.A. = Paul G. Albrecht

BoD = Board of Doctrine

R.D. = Robert Dommer

L.P.D. = Leroy P. Dux

H.C.D. = H. C. Duehlmeier

O.J.E. = O. J. Eckert

W.F. = Warren Fanning

D.F. = Daniel Fleischer

P.G.F. = Paul G. Fleischer

V.A.F. = Vance A. Fossum

A.F. = A. Fremder

G.B.F. = Garrett B. Frank

M.G. = Martin Galstad

N.G. = Norman Greve

C.M.G. = C. M. Gullerud

R.A.G. = Roland A. Gurgel

E.A.H. = Elton A. Hallauer

G.L.J. = Gregory L. Jackson

J.V.K. = John V. Klatt

P.R.K. = Paul R. Koch

D.P.K. = David P. Koenig

C.K. = Clifford Kuehne

S.K. = Stephen Kurtzahn

P.F.L. = Paul F. Larsen

D.L. = David Lau

J.L. = John Lau

R.W.M. = Robert W. Mackensen

N.A.M. = Norman A. Madson

B.J.N. = Bertram J. Nauman

Br.N. = Bruce Naumann

D.R.N. = David R. Naumann

P.N. = Paul Naumann

J.J.N. = James J. Naumann

P.D.N. = Paul D. Nolting

P.F.N. = Paul F. Nolting

K.O. = Keith Olmanson

J.K.P. = John K. Pfeiffer

A.P. = August Pieper

G.P.R. = Gordon P. Radtke

L.D.R. = L. Dale Redlin

R.R. = Robert Rehm

E.R. = Edmund Reim

J.R. = John Reim

R.A.R. = Rollin A. Reim

N.H.R. = Norbert H. Reim

M.J.R. = Michael J. Roehl

R.L.R. = Ronald Roehl

J.E.S. = James E. Sandeen

D.S. = David Schaller

J.S. = John Schaller

P.W.S. = Paul W. Schaller

R.S. = Ralph Schaller

D.R.S. = David R. Schierenbeck

J.L.S. = John L. Schierenbeck

L.W.S. = Lester W. Schierenbeck

M.S. = Michael Schierenbeck

T.R.S. = Thomas R. Schuetze

W.S. = Waldemar Schuetze

A.S. = Arthur Schulz

G.S. = Gilbert Sydow

J.A.S. = James A. Sydow

M.S. = Michael Sydow

P.T. = Paul Tiefel

J.U. = John Ude

R.E.W. = Robert E. Wehrwein

150 Reasons to Sing! 40/2:2-14. (J.R.)

A Brief Exegetical Study of 2 Thessalonians 3:6ff. 42/2:40-49; 3:18. (P.F.L.)

A Brief History of the CLC’s Word for Him in India. 36/1:54-56. (D.K.)

A Brief Isagogical Treatment of 1 Thessalonians. 43/2:23-28. (D.M.)

A Call to Recommitment. 34/4:2-5. (D.F.)

A Church Body’s Shoes. 34/1:2-18. (J.R.)

A Comparison of Prasso and Poieo as Used with Reference to Sinning. 38/2:25-30. (V.A.F.)

A Critical Examination of the Methodology and Conclusions of the Jesus Seminar. 40/3:6-29. (D.P.)

A Critical Survey of the ELCA Dogmatics Book. 35/2:24-37. (T.R.S.)

A Final Apostolic Word 9/3:7-18. (Zorn – E.S.)

A Forward to the Tenth Volume. 10/1:1-11. (E.S.)

A House for the Lord, A Home for His Servants. 43/1:22-47. (P.E.R.)

A Message to Our Readers. 6/4:1 (E.S.)

A Pastoral Letter – Part I. 1/2:15-21. (Koren – N.A.M.)

A Pastoral Letter – Part II. 1/3:26-32. (Koren – N.A.M.)

A Pastoral Letter – Part III. 1/4:8-12. (Koren – N.A.M.)

A Pastoral Letter – Part IV. 1/5:6-10. (Koren – N.A.M.)

A Pre-Reformation Meditation. 34/3:2-6. (R.W.M.)

A Request for Books & Periodicals. 5/1:40. (E.R.)

A Review of Carl Manthey-Zorn’s Hermeneutical Principles. 38/4:36-48. (M.H.B.)

A Statement by the Editor. 5/5:15f. (E.R.)

A Study of 1 Corinthians 10:14-22, With Special Emphasis on “We Who are One Body.” 36/4:24-31. (J.L.S.)

A Study of Genesis 3:16 – “And he shall rule over you.” 40/1:2-9. (T.R.S.)

A Study of Jeremiah 6: 10-20. 41/3:32-49. (D.L.)

A Study of Man. 11/3:25-31. (A.S.)

A Study of MISHPAT. 11/5:12-21. (C.K.)

A Study of Psalms 120-134 and Their Correlation as “Songs of Ascents.. 38/ 4:2-26. (T.R.S.)

A Study of the Controversies that Arose after Luther’s Death, and Their Roots in Today’s Denominations. 42/3:19-34. (M.S.)

A Warming at Strange Fires. 1/2:8-15. (E.S.)

A Word Study of HIPOTASSOO with Special Reference to Ephesians 5:22-24. 40/4:44-53. (Br.N.)

Abba. 22/4:2-12. (J.K.P.)

Admonition and Rom. 16. 2/5:1-11. (E.R.)

Adventism. Unrest in 7th Day. 20/4:28-41. (P.G.F.)

AELC – New Church Body emerges. 16/4:39-41. (C.M.G.)

Albrecht. Pastor Paul G.: Doctrinal Article in 1962 by. 16/2:11-14. (J.L.)

Albrecht. Pastor Paul G.: Funeral Sermon, 2 Tim. 1:12. 16/2:4-9. (L .W.S.)

Albrecht. Pastor Paul G.: In Memoriam. 16/2:2-3. (C.M.G.)

Albrecht. Pastor Paul G.: Remarks at Funeral. 16/2:10f. (E.A.)

Allusions to Science in Hebrew Class. 25/3:2-29. (C.K.)

American Piety. 12/3:33-38. (C.K.)

An End Time Enchiridion. 36/1:17-31. (J.C.R.)

An Establishment of Religion … The Free Exercise Thereof … 5/3:15-22. (P.F.N.)

An Exegetical Study of Ephesians 4:17-24. 41/4:41-50. (D.S.)

An Exegetical Study of Romans 1:1-7. 43/2:29-41. (G.R.)

Anatomy of an Explosion: Important Book. 18/1:23-26. (C.M.G.)

Announcement of Seminars. 13/1:48.

Announcement: Price Increase. 15/3:40. (J.L.)

Announcement: Seminar for Pastors & Teachers. 11/2:24.

Aorist in its Place. Keeping the. 16/3:2-10. (C.K.)

Aorist Indicative. Translating the. 18/2:19-26. (C.K.)

Aorist. Viewpoints of the. 18/1:2-10. (C.K.)

Apologetics, Law, and Gospel. 20/4:22-28. (R.E.W.)

Arminianism Today. 16/1:37-44. (J.L.S.)

Art of Dying, The. 12/4:11-21. (A.S.)

Asking – and Listening. 11/3:35f. (E.S.)

Authority of the Received Text, The. 31/4:17-37. (S.K.)

Back Issues, Offering of. 26/2:39f.

Background of Formula of Concord & Application Today. 14/4:29-35. (H.C.D.)

Be Ye Angry and Sin Not. 41/2:36-37. (R.M.)

Bereaved Members, How to help. 20/4:17-21. (L.W.S.)

BERITH (Covenant) Terminology. 21/3:2-17. (P.F.N.)

Bible Inerrant, Is the? Review. 17/2:29-38. (D.L.)

Bible Translations, Use of. 24/3:39-44. (D.L.)

Bible Versions. Some Thoughts on. 18/4:37-40. (C.M.G.)

Book of Concord & Ecumenicism. 19/4:2-28. (P.F.N.)

Book of Concord & Gospel Reductionism. 19/3:2-16. (J.L.)

Book of Concord & Verbal Inspiration. 19/2:2-22. (C.K.)

Book of Concord alive in Hearts, Keeping. 21/2:14-20. (J.L.)

Book of Concord, Doctrinal Themes in. 19/4:29-32. (R.A.R.)

Book of Concord, Our Subscription to. 19/1:2-7. (C.M.G.)

Book of Concord: Church & Ministry. 20/1:2-22; 3:2-9. (R.E.W.)

Books on Islam in Review. 43/3:2-11. (D.L.)

Brief History of the NCLC. 29/2:28-30. (D.K.)

Brief Review: Logia: A (new) Lutheran Journal of Theology. 33/2:37-39. (J.L.)

Bultman: Demythologizing the Resurrection. 12/2:20-34. (C.K.)

C. M. Gullerud: In Memoriam I. 35/1:7-8. (D.F.)

C. M. Gullerud: In Memoriam II. 35/1:9-11. (J.L.)

Calling, Our: Servants of God & of People. 15/2:1-6; 4:29-35. (L.D.R.)

Can the Scientist of Today Believe Gen. 1? 2/4:12-21. (Keiser)

Catechisms, Introduction to Luther’s. 17/3:2-23. (R.D.)

Chapel Address: 1 Cor. 1:30-31. 15/2:23-26. (C.K.)

Chapel Address: 2 Cor. 5:7. 37/1:2-3. (C.M.K.)

Chapel Address: Bach’s 300th Birthday. 25/1:36-38. (G.P.R.)

Chapel Address: Children of the Heavenly Father. 16/4:13-21. (R.D.)

Chapel Address: Isa. 63:3. 21/2:27-29. (G.P.R.)

Chapel Address: John 3:16. 21/4:47f. (J.L.)

Chapel Address: Luke 10:41-42. 37/2:7-9. (P.S.)

Chapel Address: Matt. 24:15-18. 17/4:29-31. (C.K.)

Chapel Address: Matt. 3:1-2,10. 14/1:36-38. (P.R.K.)

Chapel Address: Matt. 4:17. 22/1:31-34. (C.K.)

Chapel Address: Micah 1:1-8. 12/1:27-29. (P.R.K.)

Chapel Address: Rev. 3:22. 22/2:15-18. (G.P.R.)

Chapel Address: Romans 3:25. 19/1:38-40. (C.K.)

Chapel Address: Vietnam Cease-Fire, Gen. 8:20f. 13/1:33-37. (R.A.G.)

Chapel Devotion. 43/1:2-4. (J.K.P.)

Chapel Memorial Address for Prof. E. Reim. 9/4:4-7. (C.M.G.)

Christ Jesus, In. 15/3:27-37. (P.F.N.)

Christ or Masonry? 13/2:28-34. (P.F.N.)

Christian History: Periodical Review. 25/4:28ff. (D.L.)

Christian knows all things spiritual, yet grows. 16/3:20-32. (P.F.N.)

Christian Steadfastness: Word Study. 22/4:2-19. (P.G.F.)

Christian Worship – A Lutheran Hymnal (WELS). 34/2:2-12. (J.R.)

Christian Worship – A Lutheran Hymnal (WELS). 34/3:6-18. (P.S.)

Christmas Book, Martin Luther. Review. 25/4:38ff. (C.K.)

Christmas Day Sermon: John 1:11-13. 27/4:2-4. (D.L.)

Christmas Evidence. Applying the: Judges 13:17-23. 17/4:2-9. (R.E.W.)

Christ’s Subordination to His Father. 38/1:12-30. (J.K.P.)

Church & State, Separation of: Moral Issues. 24/2:20-36; 3:2-14. (P.G.F.)

Church & State, Separation of: Scripture & Confessions. 24/2:2-19. (J.K.P.)

Church & State: An Epilogue. 25/1:19-21. (C.M.G.)

Church & State: Politics. 24/2:37-52. (P.F.N.)

Church & State: Social Issues. 24/4:2-11. (L.D.R.)

Church History from 1066 AD: The Struggle Between Church and State. 42/2:33-40. (M.G.)

Church Music, Sacred or Secular. 36/2:7-42. (R.D.)

CLC 25th Anniversary: Foreword. 25/1:2-4. (C.M.G.)

CLC Presentation Concerning Fellowship – Admonition – Separation. 29/1:29-37. (G.P.R.)

CLC-WELS Meeting. 28/1:2f. (J.L.)

Colossians 1, Exegetical Study of. 25/1:22-35; 2:22-34. (P.W.S.)

Come before Winter: Poetic Sermonette. 13/2:35-37 (M.G.)

Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain. 5/1:1-3. (C.K. – E.R.)

Commandment, 1st, & Justifying Faith. 21/1:10-20. (R.D.-Kowa1ke)

Conceptual Approach in the Teaching of the Catechism, The. 26/3:21-37. (R.D.)

Concern for the Future of Theological Education. 9/4:25-34. (G.P.R.)

Concerning the first “little” error. 12/2: 35-39. (C. K.)

Concord Has Its Formula. 41/2:19-29; 3:5-19. (R.E.S.)

Concordia Luth. Conference: Charge of False Doctrine. 21/2:30-36. (BoD)

Conference Sermon: Joshua 24:16-20. 27/2:41-44. (D.L.)

Confession, Meaning of Subscription to a. 19/2:44. (C.P.K.)

Confessions and Confessionalism. 5/4:15-29. (E.R.)

Confessions, The Spirit of the. 19/2:22-30. (R.E.W.)

Convention Notice. 16/2:40; 20/2:44.

Convention Sermon: Deut. 8:3. 12/3:19-23. (J.L.S.)

Conversion, Two Texts from Book of Acts on. 20/3:36-44. (J.L.)

Convocation, A Trans-Lutheran. 18/4:40.22. (C.M.G.)

Cyprian – The Great High-Churchman of the Ante-Nicene Period. 4/3:1-18. (P.G.F.)

Damnamus! The Art of Evangelical Polemics. 41/2:30-35. (R.A.R.)

Defeat for Strict Creationists? Not Really! 26/3:38-40. (C.K.)

Defending and Confirming the Gospel, Phil. 1:7. 41/4:29-40. (V.A.F.)

Degrees from Heterodox Institutions. Honorary. 19/4:43f. (J.L.)

Demythologizers. A Jolt to. 12/2:40. (C.M.G.)

Determining the Will of God in Our Lives. 39/1:24-29. (R.G.)

Devotions from Book of Job. 15/1:29-33. (C.M.G.)

DIDASKALOS & DIDASKEIN. Scriptural Concept of. 21/4:29-47.(P.F.N)

Difference, Still a: Notice re Tract. 22/4:25.

Dispensationalism. 14/1:1-10. (P.F.N.)

Do All to the Glory of God. A Study of the Meaning and Application of 1 Cor. 10:31. 39/3:10-16. (M.R.)

Dr. Martin Luther’s Sermon on Our Blessed Hope. 35/3:2-20. (A.S.)

Dr. Ramm and the Scriptures. 5/4:7-14. (E.S.)

Dying to Live: J.A. Braun. Review. 25/4:30. (D.L.)

Earthen Vessels. 35/2:9-23. (V.A.F.)

Editor, From the. 26/4:2-4. (J.L.)

Editorial Note. 39/1:29. (J.L.)

Editorial: Correction and Apology. 37/4:43-48. (J.L.)

Editor’s Note. 11/4:1. (C.M.G.)

Education and the Law, Private. 22/4:15-35. (J.A.S.)

Education, Of: Examination of Milton’s Tract. 19/2:36-42.(J.L.)

ELS and the Doctrine of the Call. 1/4:36-39. (C.M.G.)

ELS Article, Response to. 12/1:34-38. (J.L.)

ELS Resolutions on Synodical Conference Fellowship. 1/4:31-36. (C.M.G.)

Emphasis in Lutheran and Reformed Theology. 28/3:24-47. (V.A.F.)

Encouragement for Discouraged Pastors. 39/3:27-33. (D.G.M.)

Encouraging the Positive Aspects of Church Fellowship. 33/4:2-13. (J.A.)

Engel vs. Vitale. 2/4:1-11. (E.S.)

Eph. 1:19, text and context. 1/5:1-6. (E.R.)

Epiphany, Once & Again: Metrical Version of Ps. 2. 5/5:1f. (E.R.)

Eschatological Preaching. Importance of. 22/4:19-25. (J.V.K.)

Evangelical Admonition: To What Extent Does it Proceed from the Law? The Gospel? 41/1:7-27. (P.W.S.)

Evangelism in the Eighties. 27/4:5-19. (K.Luebkeman.)

Evolution with Teaching of Image of God. Counteracting. 25/3:2-11. (D.L.)

Exegesis of Galatians 1:1-10: J. Ylvisaker. 33/1:2-20. (Trans. by C.M.G.)

Exegesis of Galatians 1:11-24: J. Ylvisaker. 33/2:6-23. (Trans. by C.M.G.)

Exegesis of Galatians 2:1-14: J. Ylvisaker. 33/3:19-38. (Trans. by C.M.G.)

Exegesis of Galatians 2:15 – 3:14: J. Ylvisaker. 33/4:22- 48. (Trans. by C.M.G.)

Exegesis of Galatians 3:15-4:7: J. Ylvisaker. 34/1:18-48. (Trans. by C.M.G.)

Exegesis of Galatians 4:8-31: J. Ylvisaker. 34/2:30-50. (Trans. by C.M.G.)

Exegesis of Galatians 5:1-6:18: J. Ylvisaker. 34/3:19-47. (Trans. by C.M.G.)

Exegesis of Paul’s First Letter to Timothy, by J. Ylvisaker. 29/1:2-27; 29/2:2-27; 29/3:2-20; 29/4:2-32. (Translated by C.M.G.)

Exegesis of Paul’s First Letter to Timothy, by J. Ylvisaker. 30/1:2-17; 30/2:2-21; 30/3:2-18. (Trans. by C.M.G.)

Exegesis of Revelation 2:12-17. 28/1:29-48. (J.K.P.)

Exegesis of Revelation 2:18-29. 30/4:10-31. (J.K.P.)

Exegesis of Revelation 2:8-11. 27/1:2-22. (J.K.P.)

Exegesis of Revelation 3:14-22. 32/4:19-38. (J.K.P.)

Exegesis of Revelation 3:1-6. 31/2:7-23. (J.K.P.)

Exegesis of Revelation 3:7-13. 32/1:2-20. (J.K.P.)

Exegesis: Joel 3:9-17. 41/4:8-22. (P.N.)

Exegesis: Proverbs 2:1-8. 42/4:19-32. (P.N.)

Exegesis: Psalm 98:1-9. 42/2:19-33. (P.N.)

Exegetical Notes & Comments on Psalm 69. 36/1:2-16. (M.T.)

Exegetical Notes and Comments on Isaiah 3 – 4. 35/3:30-44. (M.T.)

Exegetical Opinions vs Doctrinal Differences. 36/1:32-43. (C.M.K.)

Exegetical Study of 1 Tim. 4:15f. 12/3:24-32. (D.L.)

Exegetical Study of 2 John. 10/3:1-16. (C.M.G.)

Exegetical Study of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12. 40/3:29-45. (W.E.)

Exod. 20:6 – Law or Gospel? 5/3:1-14. (“G.A.M.” – E.S.)

FAL – A new Church Body. 12/1:30-33. (C.M.G.)

Family Life Under Christ. 38/2:5-24. (S.K.)

Five Evangelical Leaders. Review. 25/4:30-35. (D.L.)

Formalism – A Threat to Orthodoxy? 42/1:13-28. (D.J.R.)

Forward. 1/1:3-8. (E.R.)

From Calvary to Olivet – And to the Father’s Throne. 6/1:1-7. (E.R.)

From the Editor. 40/4:2-3. (P.W.S.)

From the Life and Times of Luther. 11/3:1-16. (O.J.E.)

Fruitful Entrance: An Exegetical Study of 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, The. 32/4:39-48; 33/1:21-28. (V.A.F.)

Funeral Sermon for C. M. Gullerud. 35/1:3-7. (P.T.)

Gambling – Win or Lose, You Lose. 38/2:31-40. (Br.N.)

Gardening. Romans 9:18. 18/1:27-37. (P.F.N.)

Genesis in the New Testament. 43/4:2-15. (D.L.)

Gerizim and Ebal. 13/4:31-38. (P.F.N.)

Global Missions. Review. 12/1:12-26. (A.S.)

God’s Holy Covenants. 19/1:8-22. (J.K.P.)

God’s Judgment Upon the Unworthy Use of the Lord’s Supper. 9/5:1-27. (A.P.)

God’s Will and Command. 19/3:16-40. (J. Schaller, W.S., H.C.D.)

Gospel Reductionism, Danger of. 17/1:2-31. (M.S.)

Gospel Reductionism. 14/2:1-10. (J.L.)

Graduation Address – ILC, 2003. 43/2:2-6. (J.K.P.)

Greek Article & Christ’s Deity. 13/3:12-28; 4:14-30; 14/1:11-20; 2:16-25; 3:21-33; 4:8-19; 15/1:8-22. (C.K.)

Greek Testament, Aids for Students of. 17/4:42ff. (C.K.)

Guidelines for the Book of Revelation. 39/1:19-24. (J.K.P.)

Hebrew verb, Notes on. 15/3:2-19; 16/3:11-19; 4:2-12; 17/2:2-8; 3:24-36. (R.E.W.)

Holy Spirit – Neglected Person in Trinity? 20/2:2-12. (C.M.G.)

Holy Spirit – The Promised Paraclete. 20/3:10-16. (C.M.G.)

Holy Spirit & Incarnate Lord. 23/4:14-30. (J.K.P.)

Homiletical Hints in 1 & 2 Corinthians. 15/2:13-19; 3:19-27; 4:18-29. (A.S.)

How do Paul’s words in 1 Cor. 9:22 apply in our Ministry? 25/4:2-14. (E.A.)

How God Prepared the World for the Reformation. 7/2:2-13; 3:8-13. (C.M.G.)

How the Word “Fear” is Used in Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions. 40/2:15-40. (P.F.)

How To Read the Psalter With Profit. 7/1:1-11. (E.R.)

Hymn Book, New: “Lutheran Worship.” 22/3:38-43. (C.M.G.)

Hymn, What makes a good? 20/4:2-16. (R.D.)

Hymns & Hymn-writers of the Reformation. 20/2:18-25. (A.S.)

ILC Chapel Address. 32/2:31-32. (P.R.K.)

ILC Chapel Address. 35/2:7-8. (P.R.K.)

ILC Commencement Address. 33/2:2-5. (J.L.)

ILC Commencement Address. 35/2:2-6. (J.L.)

ILC Commencement Address. 36/2:2-6. (J.L.)

ILC Commencement Address. 37/2:2-7. (J.L.)

ILC Commencement Address. 38/2:2-5. (J.K.P.)

ILC Commencement Address. 40/3:2-5. (J.K.P.)

ILC Commencement Address. 18/2:40-44. (J.K.P.)

ILC Commencement Address: The Alpha and the Omega. 41/3:2-5. (J.K.P.)

ILC Graduation Address. 16/2:15-20. (P.G.A.)

ILC Opening Address. 37/3:2-4. (J.K.P.)

Im Beruf Bleiben. (Trans.). 37/2:9-14. (FFGH – R.D.)

Image of God / Children of God. 11/3:31-35. (J.L.)

Image of God, The. 21/2:2-13. (C.M.G.)

Immortality of the Soul. 12/2:1-19. (A.S.)

Importance of Professional Improvement in our Calling. 14/3:1-10. (C.K.)

In Commemoration of Luther’s Stand at Worms, 1521-1971. 11/1:1-14; 11/4:11-23. (J.L.)

In Memoriam: George A. Barthels. 30/4:2-3.

In Memoriam: Gilbert A. Sydow. 28/3:2f. (J.L.)

In Memoriam: Maynard J. Witt. 32/3:2-3. (J.L.)

In Memoriam: Robert A. Reim. 31/2:2-3. (P.F.)

In Memoriam: Vernon E. Greve. 31/4:2-3.

Informational Meeting & its Role in Evangelism Outreach. 25/4:15-19. (S.K.)

Interpretation of 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, The – A Historical Study. 28/2:19-30. (D.L.)

Introduction: We Appreciate the Means of Grace. 36/3:2-3. (D.F.)

Investiture Controversy, The. 28/4:2-23. (P.D.N.)

Isagogics, Modern Criticism, & Malachi. 13/1:16-26. (J.L.)

Jehovah/Jesus. 37/3:4-34. (C.M.K.)

Jeremiah 31:31-34. Essay. 22/1:2-18. (R.D.)

John 3:34. 8/1:7-11. (E.S.)

John Brenner: In Memoriam. 2/4:46f. (E.R.)

Josephus, Another Jolt re. 12/2:41f. (C.M.G.)

Joshua, A Study of. 13/4:1-13; 14/1:21-35; 14/2:26-39. (A.S.)

Journal of Theology, Vol. 25. 25/1:5-18. (J.L.)

Justification, Quotable Quotes on. 24/1:15-18.

Justification: Central Doctrine of Scripture. 24/1:2-14. (C.M.G.)

Justification: Lutheran-Catholic Dialog. 24/1:19-24. (C.M.G.)

KEPHALE-Structure & the E.R.A. 15/2:7-13. (P.F.N.)

Knowing Christ: Phil. 3. 15/4:2-18. (P.F.N.)

Lamentations 3:24a – Word Study. 14/3:11-20. (G.B.F.)

Language, Some Observations on. 20/1:22-37. (C.K.)

Law & Gospel, Proper Separation of. 18/4:2-22. (A.P. & W.S.)

LC-MS – 1981: Break with ALC. 21/3:38-40. (J.L.)

LC-MS – Leaven still working. 13/3:37-41. (C.M.G.)

LC-MS – Still divided Body. 15/3:37-39. (C.M.G.)

LC-MS returned to Truth? 16/4:41-44. (C.M.G.)

Learn of Jesus Christ to Pray. Sermon Studies on John 17. 26/3:2-17; 26/4:30-44. (P.F.)

Learn of Jesus Christ to Pray. Sermon Studies on John 17. 27/1:23-28. (P.F.)

Learn of Jesus Christ to Pray. Sermon Studies on John 17. 29/4:38-45. (P.F.)

Learn of Jesus Christ to Pray. Sermon Studies on John 17. 30/1:18-25; 2:27-33. (P.F.)

Lecture Delivered Before the Theological Students at Luther Seminary, A. 32/4:2-18. U.V. Koren. (Trans. by C.M.G.)

Lenten Meditations on Texts from Jeremiah. 42/1:2-12. (D.L.)

Lenten Series: A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth. 32/1:21- 30; 2:33-41. (D.L.)

Less Social, More Individual. 1/4:27-31. (M.G.)

Life & Death, How Christians decide matters of. 24/3:15-24; 25/2:2-22. (D.L.)

Live, How should we? Review. 17/2:39-44. (C.K.)

Love and Hate (Emphasis on Righteous Hatred). 27/3:2-18. (J.K.P.)

Love in Romans 16:17-18. 14/2:11-15. (C.K.)

Love, Honor, and Obey. 20/2:13-17. (P.F.N.)

Luther – The Educator. 23/3:11-27. (P.D.N.)

Luther – The Hymn-Writer. 23/4:2-11. (L.D.R.)

Luther – The Man. His Home & Family. 23/2:17-40. (P.G.F.)

Luther – The Preacher. 23/3:28-42. (J.L.)

Luther – The Reformer. 23/2:2-17. (J.K.P.)

Luther – The Seelsorger. 23/1:4-21. (A.S.)

Luther – The Translator. 23/1:22-31; 23/3:2-10. (C.K.)

Luther and the 46th Psalm. 7/3:1-7. (E.R.)

Luther Celebration in Retrospect. 23/4:11-13. (C.M.G.)

Luther on Preachers & Preaching. 23/3:43f. (Plass)

Luther on Unity: Quotation. 3/4:32.

Luther, Martin: 1483-19~3. 22/2:2-14. (R.E.W.)

Luther, Martin: A Man of the Word. 23/1:2-3. (C.M.G.)

Lutheran Identity in America. Review. 17/2:18-29. (J.L.)

Lutheran Merger. New: Its Roots. 22/4:28-33. (C.M.G.)

Lutheran Merger. New: Union or Unity? 22/4:26ff. (C.M..G.)

Lutheran Response to Humanism, The. 26/1:2-12. (K.O.)

Lutheranism Down Under. 28/2:7-18. (A.S.)

Luther’s Treatise on Good Works. 7/5:1-22. (J.L.)

Make His Praise Glorious. 39/2:2-50. (J.R.)

Marriage of the Divorced. Passages re. 23/4:30-43. (C.K.)

Marriage: Holy Estate in Unholy World. 16/2:21-29. (L.D.R.)

Marriages of Patriarchs. Luther on. 21/1:21-35. (P.F.N.)

Martin Luther, Reformation Theologian and Educator. 39/4:2-19. (M.S.)

Matthew 18:17 and Excommunication. 1/3:17-26. (E.S.)

Meditation on Luke 1:8-23.18/3:2-15. (R.E.W.)

Meditation on Psalm 19. 20/3:17-35. (P.F.N.)

Memorial Sermon: O.J. Eckert. 14/3:34-38. (P.F.N.)

Memories from My Youth and Early Times in America: Dr. U.V. Koren. 32/2:2-23. (Trans. by C.M.G.)

Millennialism: Principles of Interpretation. 21/4:2-28. (C.K.)

Ministering to the Emotionally Disturbed. 29/3:21-28. (M.T.)

Ministering to the Victims of Alzheimer’s Disease and Their Families. 41/4:22-29 (T.W.B.)

Ministry, The: A Joyful Sacrifice. 27/1:29-44. (T.C.T.)

Mission Festival Sermon. 32/3:4-7. (V.G.)

Missionary Efforts of the Christian Church to Western Border Lands of the Roman Empire. AD 590 – 1066. 42/1:36-49. (P.D.M.)

Missouri. Turmoil in. 14/1:40-42. (C.M.G.)

Nathanael Bartholomew. 38/1:31-36. (D.S.)

Naumann, Oscar – Remembrances. 19/3:43f. (C.M.G.)

Northwestern College. Open Letter to Students & Alumni of. 22/3:28-38. (J.L.)

Not to be Ministered unto, but to Minister. 12/4:1-10. (P.F.N.)

Notes on 1 John 1:3-7. 10/2:11-16. (E.S.)

Notice of Essays on Church and Ministry. 3/2:15.

Notice re computerized records. 20/4:16. (J.L.)

O.T. Lenten Texts, A Homiletical Study. 3/5:1-33. (E.S.)

Obituary: C. M. Gullerud. 35/1:2-3. (P.T.)

Obituary: Carl M. Thurow. A Miracle of God’s Creation. 39/3:2-4. (P.T.)

Of the Use and Relevance of Walther’s “Theses … of Open Questions. 10/4:1-17. (E.S.)

Olivet Discourse (cont.). 28/2:31-40. (P.F.N.)

Olivet Discourse, The. 27/2:31-40; 4:20-33. (P.F.N.)

Omnes Christiani De Evangelio Consentiunt. 1/1:8-24. (E.S.)

Opening Address at IL Seminary. 18/3:30-33. (C.M.G.)

Opening Address at ILC. 14/3:39-42. (C.M.G.)

Opening Address at ILC. 18/3:26-30. (E.A.H.)

Opening Address at ILC: 1 Kings 8:57f. 19/3:40-43. (R.A.G.)

Opening Address at ILC: 1 Pet. 1:24f. 22/4:36-38. (G.P.R.)

Opening Address at ILC: 2 Cor. 3:1-6. 13/3:29ff. (C.M.G.)

Opening Address at ILC: James 4:7-8a. 12/3:39-41. (C.M.G.)

Opening Address at ILC: Psalm 8:1. 17/3:46ff. (C.M.G.)

Opening Devotion: CLC Teachers’ Conference. 29/2:35-40. (P.F.)

Ordained Women Pastors? 36/4:39. (R.D.)

Order is God’s Idea. 39/3:17-26. (M.S.)

Our Heritage From Faithful Teachers. 11/4:23-29. (A.S.)

Our Oft-Forgotten Name: The Elect of God. 8/4:1-10; 5:1-12. (G.S.)

Our President Speaks. 11/4:4. (Robert Reim)

Paideia: “Deal Wisely With Them.” 6/4:12f. (R.A.G.)

Paideia: A Time To Ask. 6/3:8-13. (M.G.)

Paideia: Being and Becoming. 2/2:14-16. (M.G.)

Paideia: Chapel Addresses. 6/1:12-18; 2:12-16; 4:25f.; 7/3:25-30; 9/2:28f.; 11/2:15-19.

Paideia: Communication: A Key to Harmony in the Ministry. 39/1:39-47. (T.Q.)

Paideia: Controlled Reaction. 3/2:12-15. (M.G.)

Paideia: Creativity. 5/5:17-21. (M.G.)

Paideia: Days Should Speak. 6/2:7-11. (M.G.)

Paideia: Education for What? 4/3:27-32. (M.G.)

Paideia: Existentialism and Theology. 3/3:15-34. (M.G.)

Paideia: Figure Me Out. 6/5:17-21. (M.G.)

Paideia: Footnote to “Creativity.” 6/1:8-12. (M.G.)

Paideia: For the School Sermon. 5/3:31-36. (M.G.)

Paideia: From a Pastor’s and Professor’s Notebook. 28/2:41-44; 3:19-23. (R.A.G.)

Paideia: From a Pastor’s and Professor’s Notebook. 29/1:44-47; 2:31-34; 3:37-40; 4:46-48. (R.A.G.)

Paideia: From a Pastor’s and Professor’s Notebook. 30/1:29-31; 2:34-37; 3:22-26; (R.A.G.)

Paideia: From a Pastor’s and Professor’s Notebook. 31/1:37-40; 2:42-44; 3:44-46; 4:41-44. (R.A.G.)

Paideia: From a Pastor’s and Professor’s Notebook. 32/1:46-48; 2:42-44; 3:31-33. (R.A.G.)

Paideia: How Can We Affect Attitudes of Children in Dealing with Peer Pressure and the Influence of the World? 31/1:28-37. (K.O.)

Paideia: How to Involve Parents in the Spiritual Education of Their Children. 33/2:30-37. (R.R.)

Paideia: Is Education the Solution to Our Problem – or is the Solution Our Problem? 28/3:4-18. (G.A.S.)

Paideia: Learning As Entertainment. 5/1:15-20. (M.G.)

Paideia: Left to the Living. 3/5:34-42. (M.G.)

Paideia: Men and Machines. 2/3:15-20. (M.G.)

Paideia: More Findings. 7/2:23-28. (M.G.)

Paideia: Point and Process. 2/1:27-33. (M.G.)

Paideia: Refinding Fundamentals. 7/1:20-24. (M.G.)

Paideia: Shaping the Attention (perhaps a reverie). 5/2:29-36. (M.G.)

Paideia: Social or Sacred? 4/1:27-32. (M.G.)

Paideia: Spiritual Readiness. 8/1:12-14. (R.A.G.)

Paideia: Stance and Consequence. 1/5:22-26. (M.G.)

Paideia: Teachers on Strike. 8/3:16-19. (R.A.G.)

Paideia: Teaching That Takes. 3/1:23-27. (M.G.)

Paideia: Teaching the Teachers. 4/5:29-36. (M.G.)

Paideia: Telling and Teaching. 2/4:22-26. (M.G.)

Paideia: The Exceptional Child. 1/2:22-29. (M.G.)

Paideia: The Responsibility of a Minority. 1/1:31-33. (M.G.)

Paideia: The Teacher as Artist. 4/2:21-25. (M.G.)

Paideia: Working up Trifles. 2/5:20-23. (M.G.)

Panorama: And Now – CLC! 3/4:38. (E.R.)

Panorama: Update on CLC Meeting with WELS/ELS. 30/1:26-28. (D.F.)

Panorama: “A Statement” – The 25th Anniversary. 11/1:30-38. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: A Brief Look at the 1999 WELS Convention. 39/3:46-50. (J.L.)

Panorama: A Brief Statement – Then and Now. 2/2:26-30; 3:21-28. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: A Common Bible for All Christians? 6/5:42-44. (E.R.)

Panorama: A Doctrinal Statement. 9/2:30f. (E.S.)

Panorama: A Look at the Second Vatican Council. 3/2:27f. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: A Matter of Blasphemy, Timing, Responsibility. 4/5:37-41. (E.R.)

Panorama: A New “Call for Decision.” 40/2:41-50. (M.J.R.)

Panorama: A New Church Body is Born. 4/3:33-35. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: A New Hope. 4/4:43. (E.R.)

Panorama: A New Synodical Conference. 11/1:38-40. (E.S.)

Panorama: A Partitioned Fellowship. 8/1:33f. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: A Pleasure to Report. 5/2:36f. (E.R.)

Panorama: A Quotation. 7/2:38f. (A. Brauer)

Panorama: A Quotation. 7/2:43. (W. Koelling)

Panorama: A Report of the Board of Doctrine. 4/2:29-31. (E.S.)

Panorama: A Report of the Board of Doctrine. 4/5:47f. (BoD)

Panorama: A Roman Definition of Joint Prayer. 1/3/40. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: A Sample for Sequel. 6/5:45. (E.R.)

Panorama: A Sequel to Aggiornamento? 6/4:38. (E.R.)

Panorama: A Subversive Effort. 9/3:25f. (E.S.)

Panorama: A Tribute to Walther. 1/5: 30-33. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: AAL and ELS/WELS. 33/1:34-35. (J.L.)

Panorama: AALC First Convention. 29/1:40-43. (D.L.)

Panorama: Ambiguities at Milwaukee Convention. 11/4:33f. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: An Editorial Posture Examined. 11/2:25-28. (J.L.)

Panorama: An Index of Articles in the Lutheran Spokesman and the Journal of Theology on What Separates the CLC from Others. 37/2:26-47. (A.S.)

Panorama: And a Postscript. 1/5: 38f. (E.R.)

Panorama: Anemic Reporting. 1/2::40f. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: Another Attempt to Clarify. 29/1:38-40. (J.L.)

Panorama: Bethany Reformation Lectures. 9/5:31-34. (G.S.)

Panorama: By-passing the Impasse. 1/3:40f. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: Change and Decay. 7/1:36-40. (E.R.)

Panorama: Commentary on a Convention Resolution. 32/3:22-30. (D.L.)

Panorama: Conservatism and Rom. 16:17. 9/1:29-33. (E.S.)

Panorama: Crescendo Accelerando. 4/4:41-43. (E.R.)

Panorama: Dakota-Montana, A Statement. 4/4:40f. (P.G.A. & E.S.)

Panorama: Documents: A Book Review. 6/3:19f. (E.R.)

Panorama: Ecumenical Mobilization. 1/5:33-35. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: Ecumenicity and Realignment. 11/4:30-32. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: ELCA/Episcopal/Reformed Full-Communion. 37/1:50-53. (S.K.)

Panorama: Entrenched Ecclesiasticism. 1/2:36f. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: Fellowship Now! 1/3:45-48. (E.R.)

Panorama: Fellowship Then and Now – II. 1/3:44f. (E.R.)

Panorama: Fellowship Then and Now. 1/1:48. (E.R.)

Panorama: Food for Thought (Meditations). 6/1:38-40.

Panorama: From “Distortion” to “Misrepresentation.” 39/2:55-56. (J.L.)

Panorama: From Cleveland to ? . 2/3:30-37. (E.R.)

Panorama: Homosexuality in Germany. (Trans.). 37/2:47-51. (R.D.)

Panorama: How Times Have Changed. 9/3:36. (E.S.)

Panorama: Intolerance by the “Tolerant.” 1/2::39f. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: Is this still “The Synodical Conference”? 2/5:30-34. (E.R.)

Panorama: James A. Pike, A Case History. 7/4:33-36. (E.R.)

Panorama: John Behnken – In Memoriam. 8/1:36. (E.R.)

Panorama: Just for the Record. 3/4:39f. (E.S.)

Panorama: King James’ Successor. 1/1:46-48. (E.R.)

Panorama: Luther-Words to Preachers of the Word. 7/3:35f.

Panorama: Meeting of WELS/ELS and CLC: An Interim Report. 29/4:33-37. (J.L.)

Panorama: Ministers of Christ (A Review). 5/2:38-40. (E.R.)

Panorama: Missouri: A Case History. 5/3:37-39. (E.R.)

Panorama: Mo. and the NLC – The Overall Picture. 2:1:41-47; 2/2:23-26. (E.R.)

Panorama: Mo.’s New Image. 2/5:34f. (E.R.)

Panorama: Moral Collapse. 36/3:55. (H.L.P. 36/- R.D.)

Panorama: New Delhi – An Appraisal. 2/1:34-41. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: NLC and Missouri, How Much is Sufficient? 1/5:39-42 (E.R.)

Panorama: No Substitute. 9/5:28-30. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: None So Blind. 2/3:28-30. (E.R.)

Panorama: Norman A. Madson: In Memoriam. 2/5:28-30. (E.R.)

Panorama: Northwestern Lutheran Reports on CLC & WELS Discussions. 11/4:32. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: OLIO … LCMS and Unionism in the Chaplaincy. 40/2:50-53. (J.L.)

Panorama: On “Conflict Resolutions.” 39/2:53-55. (J.L.)

Panorama: On the Ecumenicity of Money. 39/3:49-50. (J.L.)

Panorama: On What Level? 1/1:44f. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: Once More Unto the Breach: WELS and Romans 16:17-18. 36/4:32-38. (J.L.)

Panorama: Open House. 5/5:40-42. (E.S.)

Panorama: Our Scientific Age. 3/2:23-26. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: Output Equals Intake. 5/1:32-34. (E.S.)

Panorama: Prayer in Public Schools. 4/2:34-37. (E.R.)

Panorama: Problems Today in the ELCA. 39/2:50-53. (J.L.)

Panorama: Professor John P. Meyer. 4/5:42f. (E.R.)

Panorama: Publication Notices. 7/1:41. (E.S.)

Panorama: Reaction to Revelation, Inspiration, Inerrancy – A Report. 4/3:36-43. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: Reformation or Apostasy? 33/1:39-44. (S.K.)

Panorama: Reply to a Proposal. 7/3:30–34. (E.S.)

Panorama: Revelation, Inspiration, Inerrancy – A Report. 4/2:26-29. (E.R.)

Panorama: Review of the Lord’s Supper Statement of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. 39/1:30-38. (J.K.)

Panorama: Robert David Preus, 1924-1995. 35/4:50-52. (J.L.)

Panorama: Sacred Scripture & Tradition. 3/2:28-32. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: Schmucker Redux . . . 37/3:34-36. (J.L.)

Panorama: Scientist & Theologian Discuss Gen. 1. 3/5:42-44. (E.R.)

Panorama: Second Vatican Council. 2/4:36-42 (E.R.)

Panorama: Semper eadem. 1/1:41-44. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: Sifting Truth From Myth. 11/1:26-30. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: Some Editorial Musings. 37/3:37-40. (J.L.)

Panorama: Something Old, Nothing New. A Look at the 1979 Report of the President of WELS and AAL. 39/3:40-46. (M.J.R.)

Panorama: Speaking of Clergymen – Clergymen I Have Known. 6/2:17-21. (Chris. Today – E.R.)

Panorama: Speaking of Liberals & Conservatives. 6/4:38f. (E.R.)

Panorama: Statement of Faith & Purpose. 9/2:32-44. (BoD)

Panorama: The “Bishop” Who Is Not a Bishop. 8/1:30-32. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: The CLC Resolution. 1/5:35-38. (E.R.)

Panorama: The Comfort Factor. 33/1:38-39. (J.L.)

Panorama: The Conference Prospectus. 4/1:36f.

Panorama: The Council So-Called. 4/5:43-47. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: The Ethic of Controversy. 7/5:40-44. (E.R.)

Panorama: The Finnish Confessional Church. 10/3:17-24.

Panorama: The Greek NT. 8/2:34-36. (E.R.)

Panorama: The Lord Laughs. 7/3:34f. (E.R.)

Panorama: The Message or the Medium? 10/4:29-34. (J.L.)

Panorama: The Millennium – How? 8/2:32-34. (E.S.)

Panorama: The Ministry – Glorious or Inglorious? 11/2:29-32. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: The NT in the Language of Today. 5/1:34-39. (E.R.)

Panorama: The Nub of the Matter. 1/3:38-40. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: The Only Honest Liberal. 38/ 2:40-42. (S.K.)

Panorama: The Power of the Purse. 5/2:37f. (E.R.)

Panorama: The Problem of Free Conferences – I. 4/1:33-36. (E.R.)

Panorama: The Problem of Free Conferences – II. 4/1:38-40. (E.R.)

Panorama: The Sad Aftermath of Denver. 9/4:34-36. (E.S.)

Panorama: The Second Lutheran Free Conference. 5/3:39-42. (E.R.)

Panorama: The Third Lutheran Free Conference. 6/1:36-38. (E.R.)

Panorama: The Tragic Importance of an Omission. 33/4:49-52. (J.L.)

Panorama: The Voice … The Hands. 3/2:21-23. (E.R.)

Panorama: Theological Implications of the Living Will. 31/1:7-27. (V.A.F.)

Panorama: Time On Luther. 7/2:39-43. (E.R.)

Panorama: To Set the Record Straight. 1/3:42-44. (E.S.)

Panorama: Under the Same Roof. 1/1:45f. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: Valedictory of An Editor. 6/3:20f. (E.R.)

Panorama: Vatican II and the Jews. 6/4:27-37. (E.R.)

Panorama: Voices from the Past. 32/1:31-42. (J.L.)

Panorama: Waystations on Union Road. 1/2:37f. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: WELS/ELS and CLC Discussions: 1987-1990 Revisited. 36/3:49-54. (J.L.)

Panorama: What Cleveland Made Clear. 2/4:43-45. (E.R.)

Panorama: What is Going On? 31/4:38-40. (J.L.)

Panorama: What is Going On? #3. 33/1:36-37. (J.L.)

Panorama: What is Going On? (Revisited). 32/1:43-45. (J.L.)

Panorama: What price Ecumania? 1/2:34f. (C.M.G.)

Panorama: What Still Remains – and Why? 4/2:31-34. (E.R.)

Panorama: What’s in a Name? 40/2:53-54. (J.L.)

Panorama: Who is a Jew? 10/4:34-36. (A.S.)

Panorama: Why a Review? Why 1955 to 1961? 5/5:33-39. (E.R.)

Panorama: William Beck – In Memoriam and a Tribute. 7/1:40f. (E.R.)

Panorama: Wisconsin – Alone? 3/4:33-36. (E.R.)

Panorama: Wisconsin – How Big? 3/4:36-38. (E.R.)

Panorama: Wisconsin & CLC – Do we Agree? 5/4:43-50. (E.R.)

Panorama: Wisconsin Replies. 5/4:42f. (E.R.)

Panorama: Wisconsin Synod & CLC – A Report. 10/1:26-32. (E.S.)

Panorama: Yes, Let Us Celebrate. 7/4:32f. (E.R.)

Panorama:A Response to a WELS Critique of the 2002 CLC Convention. 43/2:42-48. (J.L.)

Pantheism in the Environmental Movement. 35/1:33-41. (S.K.)

Pastor. Special Dangers facing a. 18/1:10-23. (A.S.)

Pastoral Office. Special Blessings of. 18/2:27-39. (A.S.)

Pastor’s & Professor’s Notebook, From a. 27/3:19-24; 4:34-37. (R.A.G.)

Pastors pray as we ought, Do we? 13/3:1-9. (A.S.)

Paul’s “Tailor-Made” Witnessing at Antioch and Athens. 29/3:28-36. (Br.N.)

Pericopic System, A New. 25/1:39-44; 25/2:34-40; 25/4:20-27. (P.F.N.)

Pericopic System, A New. 26/1:29-39; 2:26-38; 3:18-20. (P.F.N.)

Pericopic Systems. 2/2:18-22. (E.R.)

Postscript to Colwell’s Rule and John 1:1. 15/2:20ff. (C.K.)

Pray for the Holy Spirit! 35/1:11-32. (P.F.N.)

Prayer is the Christian’s Vital Breath. 37/1:31-49. (D.R.)

Preaching the Word: Anniversary Sermon, Isa. 52:7-10. 9/3:19-24. (C.M.G.)

Preaching the Word: C. Albrecht – In Memoriam. 10/4:18-22. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: Cause for Thanksgiving. 2/5:24-27. (P.G.A.)

Preaching the Word: Close of the Church Year. 8/4:19-29. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: Daniel, Parts I-IX. 4/3:19-26; 4:23-39; 5:1-18; 5/1:21-31. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: Dedication Sermon, Col. 3:17. 10/3:28-32. (C.M.G.)

Preaching the Word: Do-It-Yourself Exegesis For the Parsonage Study. 7/3:20-25. (G.P.R.)

Preaching the Word: For a Pastoral Conference Communion Service. 8/5:23-28. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: For Light Hearts and Feet, Heb. 12:1-3. 9/2:20-27. (C.K.)

Preaching the Word: For New Year’s Day. 8/5:18-23. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: From Fear to Faith. 6/4:14-24; 5:22-33; 7/1:25-35. (B.J.N.)

Preaching the Word: From Ichabod to Ebenezer, 1 Samuel. 5/4:30-41; 5:22-32; 6/1:19-35. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: Funeral Address, G. Tiefel Sr. 11/2:19-24. (C.M.G.)

Preaching the Word: Graduation – The Lord God is Their Inheritance. 6/3:14-18. (R.S.)

Preaching the Word: In the Christmas Season. 7/5:23-33. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: In the Trinity Season. 8/3:20-32. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: Isa. 40. 3/2:16-20. (A.P. – E.R.)

Preaching the Word: Isa. 53 & the NT Gospel. 5/2:22-28. (A.P. – E.R.)

Preaching the Word: Joint Reformation Observance. 3/3:35-43. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: Lamentations. 3/1:28-44. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: Lenten Messages in Hebrews. 11/1:15-25. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: Our Heritage. 1/5:27-29. (Kuegele)

Preaching the Word: Pastoral Conference Sermon. 10/1:18-26. (D.R.S.)

Preaching the Word: Reflections on a Christian Parochial School, Rev. 3:2a. 10/2:23-28. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: Reformation Thoughts, John 8:39-40. 10/4:22-28. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: Self-dedication. 1/1:34-40. (L.W.S.)

Preaching the Word: Sermon for Graduation. 5/3:23-30. (G.S.)

Preaching the Word: Setting Up the Banners. 1/2:30-33. (Kuegele)

Preaching the Word: Sola Scriptura. 2/4:27-35. (N.A.M.)

Preaching the Word: Something About Priorities, Mark 8:1-9. 10/2:17-22. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: The Easter Season. 8/1:15-29. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: The Light of the World. 4/1:17-26. (M.G.)

Preaching the Word: The Third Need. 2/2:17-18. (Kuegele)

Preaching the Word: Thoughts for Pentecost. 8/2:22-32. (E.S.)

Preaching the Word: Thoughts For Reformation Preaching, Jude. 7/4:19-31. (E.S.)

Preachings from Daniel. 42/2:2-18; 3:2-18; 4:2-18. (P.F.N.)

Preachings from Daniel. 43/1:5-22; 2:6-22. (P.F.N.)

Preface: 1967. 7/2:1. (E.S.)

Pre-Incarnation Appearances of the Second Person of the Trinity. 31/2:23-41. (D.K.)

Principle of Paul’s Preaching: Sermon. 13/4:39-43. (R.D.)

Private Care of Souls, The. 14/4:1-7; 15/1:1-8. (A.S.)

Prof. Egbert Schaller: In Memoriam (1904-1971). 11/4:2-4. (C.M.G.)

Professor Edmund C. Reim (1892-1969). 9/4:1-3. (C.M.G.)

Proper and Improper Distinguishing among Fundamental Doctrines, Non-Fundamental Doctrines, and Open Ques-tions, Especially as They Relate to Church Fellowship, The. 26/4:5-16 (E.A.H.)

Prophetic Time-Term: BEACHARITH HAYYAMIM. 24/3:25-38. (P.F.N.)

Psalm 2 – Metrical Version. 15/4:39f. (E.R.)

Psalm 51 Sermon Series. 33/1:28-34; 33/2:24-29. (P.F.)

Psalm 51 Sermon Series. 35/1:42-47; 35/2:52-56; 35/3:45-50. (P.F.)

Psalm 51 Sermon Series. 37/1:4-9; 37/2:15-26. (P.F.)

Quartalschrift, Paging through the. 22/2:19-27; 22/3:12-15. (R.E.W.)

Questions re Leadership & Loyalty, Some. 14/4:39f. (C.M.G.)

Reflections of an Editor. 5/5:3-9. (E.R.)

Reflections on our Age, Some. 14/4:35-38. (C.M.G.)

Reformation and Christmas. 42/3:35-39. (P.W.S.)

Relationship of Objective Justification to Subjective Justification. 27/2:21-30. (H.Gieschen – H.Witt)

Religion in the Public Schools. 12/1:2-11. (C.K.)

Repentance of God. The. 14/4:19-29. (M.G.)

Restore Unto Us the Joy of Thy Salvation. 30/4:4-9. (G.A.B.)

Revelation 2:1-7, Exegesis of. 26/1:19-22; 26/2:9-25. (J.K.P.)

Revelation to St. John, Ch 1-3: An Overview. 26/1:13-18. (E.A.H.)

Review of the Background & Content of the Book of Concord. 11/5:1-11. (A.S.)

Revolution and Evolution. 8/3:10-15. (E.S.)

Rom. 4:25. DIA, & Objective Justification. 21/3:18-37. (R.E.W.)

Roman Catholicism, Updating. 16/1:2-12; 2:30-39; 3:33-44; 4:22-34; 17/1:32-42; 2:9-17; 3;36-46; 4:10-20. (A.S.)

Rome and its new Pope. 18/3:33-35. (C.M.G.)

Salvation in the Forefront, Keeping. 21/2:21-27. (R.E.W.)

Schuetze, Pastor W. Funeral Sermon. 19/2:31-35. (L.D.R.)

Schuetze, Pastor Waldemar: Notice of Death. 19/1:7. (J.L.)

Scripture cannot be Broken. 12/4:40. (Engelder)

Seasonal Psalms & Prophecy. 6/5:1-5. (E.R.)

Seeking the Larger Joys of Preaching. 2/3:1-14. (E.S.)

Self-Worth. 30/4:32-48. (J.C.R.)

Sermon at Prof. E. Schaller’s Funeral, Heb. 13:7. 11/4:5-9. (L.W.S.)

Sermon for Advent – Isaiah 7:10-14. 36/4:2-6. (P.G.F.)

Sermon for Second Christmas Day, by Gottlieb Schaller. 31/4:4-16. (R. & P. Schaller)

Sermon on Mount, Proper Understanding of. 19/1:22-37. (A.P.-W.S.)

Sermon Studies for the Advent Season. 11/5:22-40. (J.L.)

Sermon Studies on the O.T. Review. 25/4:37f. (P.F.N.)

Sermon Study – Ruth 1:16. 31/2:3-6. (R.A.R.)

Sermon Study for Good Friday. 13/1:26-32. (A.S.)

Sermon Study on Zechariah 12:8-10. 26/1:23-28. (J.U.)

Sermon Study: Elijah the Tishbite. 18/3:15-25. (J.L.)

Sermon Study: The Eternal Word. 15/4:35-39. {M.S.)

Sermon: 4 Witnesses for Defense of Christ’s Deity. 15/1:22-28. (P.G.F.)

Sermon: ILC Men’s Dorm Groundbreaking. 20/2:26-30. (P.F.L.)

Sermon: New Year’s Eve. 17/4:21-28. (R.E.W.)

Sermon: Proverbs 19:18. 39/3:34-39. (S.K.)

Sermon: Psalm 46:10. 41/4:2-7. (S.K.)

Sermon: The Holy Spirit Never Contradicts Himself in the Word! 32/3:8-13. (P.F.N.)

Sermons for a Building Project from the Book of Nehemiah. 40/4:26-43. (D.L.)

Sermons for a Building Project from the Book of Nehemiah. 41/1:33-49; 2:2-19. (D.L.)

Sez Who? Knowing the Difference Between the Christian’s Resignation to God’s Will in Our Life and the Philoso-phy of Fatalism. 41/3:19-32. (W.F.)

Shepherd & Sheep: Person to Person, 1 and 2 Thessalonians. 23/1:31-44. (P.F.N.)

Sola Scriptura Principle & Biblical Studies Today – Crisis and Conflict. 12/3:1-18. (J.L.)

Some Notes on the New International Version. 35/4:26-45. (V.A.F.)

Song of Solomon: A Homiletical Review, The. 32/3:14-21. (J.K.P.)

Sources & Date of St. Mark’s Gospel. 10/2:1-11. (E.S.)

Sovereignty of God, The, and Rom. 9. 27/2:2-20. (P.R.K.)

Speech at Luther College, May 1, 1904: Dr. U. V. Koren. 31/1:2-7. (Trans. by C.M.G.)

Spiritual, Discerning the. 24/4:12-26. (P.F.N.)

St. Paul’s “Customs” in 1 Cor. 11. 11/2:10-14. (J.L.)

Stonebreaker, The: Poem. 13/3:9-11. (A.S.)

Studies in Luther: Luther’s Relationship With and Writings About the Jews. 39/1:2-19; 39/4:27-49. (P.D.N.)

Studies in Luther: Luther’s Relationship with and Writings about the Jews – Part III. 43/3:32-51. (P.D.N.)

Study of 2 Cor. 5:19. 22/1:19-31. (R.E.W.)

Study of 2 Corinthians 5:11-21: Christ’s Compelling Love – Our Compelling Ministry, A. 31/3:34-43. (P.F.)

Study of 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14,15. 28/1:3-11. (P.W.S.)

Study of Romans 16:17-18. 28/1:11-28. (C.K.)

Study of the Difference Between a Typical Prophecy and a Direct Prophecy, A. 31/3:23-33. (D.L.)

Study of the Doctrinal Platform of the ELCA. 27/4:38-44. (A.S.)

Teaching the Love of God. 26/2:2-8. (C.M.G.)

Temptations That Especially Confront the Orthodox Revisited. 39/4:19-27. (S.K.)

Temptations that Especially Confront the Orthodox. 1/3:1-16. (M.G.)

Tenses, Topics on: Prohibitions. 21/1:2-9. (C.K.)

The Anointing of Jesus. 8/2:1-11. (E.S.)

The Bible in Transition. 9/2:1-19. (G.S.)

The Christian’s Hope and Purpose in These Darkening Days. 41/1:10-16. (M.G.)

The Church, “Invisible” and “Visible.” 9/4:8-24. (E.S.)

The Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy. 6/2:3-6. (C.M.G.)

The Danger of Emphasizing Faith at the Expense of the Object of Faith – Christ. 4/1:1-16. (R.W.M.)

The Doctrinal Basis for the Use of Music in the Church – Parts I-II. 4/4:1-22; 5:19-28. (A.F.)

The Documents of Vatican II: An Examination. 6/2:1-3; 5:34-41; 7/2:29-38; 5:33-39; 8/3:33-36; 9/1:25-29. (C.M.G.)

The Eighth Commandment As It Applies to the Pastor and His Lifestyle. 37/4:16-23. (Br.N.)

The Emphasis on Prayer. 40/4:4-26. (V.A.F.)

The Exercise of Brotherly Fellowship in the Waning Days of the Church Militant. 38/3:28-43. (M.G.)

The Exercise of Fellowship in the Early Church. 38/3:4-27. (M.J.R.)

The Failure of Unbelief: Matt. 17:1-20. 3/1:1-7. (E.S.)

The Faith of Enoch. 11/2:1-10. (A.S.)

The Fellowship of Kindred Minds. 38/3:2-3. (D.F.)

The Form of Sound Words. 1/1:24-29. (E.S.)

The Functions of a Conference Visitor. 2/5:12-19. (C.M.G.)

The Gift of Prophecy: A Study Paper. 36/4:7-15. (J.K.P)

The Glory of the Gospel Ministry, 2 Cor. 4:1-6. 9/1:1-18. (E.S.)

The Gospel is … Devotions for a Pastoral Conference. 37/4:2-15. (W.E.)

The Hermeneutics of Prophecy. 35/2:37-51. (C.K.)

The Historic Thrust of the Resurrection. 3/3:1-14. (E.S.)

The Impact of the Reformation on the Culture of Germany. 5/2:1-21. (Koehler – E.R.)

The Imperatives of Scripture. 1/2:1-8. (E.R.)

The Imperatives of Scripture. 41/1:27-32. (E.R.)

The Kingdom of God. 1/4:13-26; 1/5:11-21; 2/1:13-26; 2/2:1-13. (J.S. – E.S.)

The Meaning of BASILEIA in the New Testament. 3/4:1-32. (N.H.R.)

The Meaning of OUDE in 1 Timothy 2:12. 35/3:21-44. (Combined)

The Means of Grace and Mission Work. 36/3:35-48. (J.U.)

The Means of Grace in Our Worship Life. 36/3:16-35. (L.P.D.)

The Means of Grace: The Formal Principle of the Reformation. 36/3:4-15. (D.R.N.)

The Method of Applying Water in Baptism. 42/1:29-35. (D.P.K.)

The Necessity for Humility in the Ministry. 41/2:38-48. (T.K.)

The Official Writings that Prepared the Way for the Augsburg Confession. 41/1:2-9. (J.V.K.)

The Pastor as Spiritual Physician. 36/4:15-23. (S.K.)

The Pentateuch and Its Critics. 6/4:2-11; 5:6-16; 7/1:12-19; 2:14-22; 3;13-19. (E.S.)

The Personification of Hochma: Is Christ the Person? 43/4:15-26. (P.N.)

The Perspective of OT Prophecy. 4/2:16-20. (A.P. – E.R.)

The Place of Apologetics and Polemics in Our Preaching. 42/4:32-41. (M.S.)

The Place of Compromise in the Church. 3/1:8-22. (P.F.N.)

The Place of Luther’s Treatise: “Of the Babylonian Captivity of the Church,” in the Reformation Scene. 7/4:1-18. (E.S.)

The Power of God, Eph. 1:19. 1/4:1-8. (E.R.)

The Preaching of the Gospel. 33/3:2-18; 33/4:14-21; 34/2:13-29. (W.S.)

The Problem of Choice. 8/3:1-9; 4:11-18; 5:12-17; 9/1:19-24. (E.R.)

The Problem of the Isolated Believer. 5/1:4-14. (P.F.N.)

The Problem of Translation, Pss. 71 & 73. 6/3:1-7. (E.R.)

The Relation of the Public Ministry and the Priesthood of All Believers in Regard to Current Lutheran Debates. 35/4:2-26. (D.L.)

The Relationship of and/or Distinction Between the Universal Priesthood of Believers and the Public Ministry. 37/4:24-42. (T.R.S.)

The Reluctant Fool – An Exegesis of 2 Corinthians 12:11-21. 40/1:10-22. (M.S.)

The Righteousness of God. 11/3:17-24. (C.K.)

The Righteousness of the Lord. 5/4:1-6. (A.P. – E.R.)

The Rising Tide of Translations. 8/1:1-6. (E.R.)

The Role of Law and Gospel in Evangelism. 35/4:45-49. (S.K.)

The Soul – A Word Study of NEPHESH. 40/1:22-56. (J.K.P.)

The Third Use of the Law. 43/3:12-31; 4:26-50. (P.F.N.)

The True Story of Christmas. 10/5:1-10. (G. Tiefel Sr.)

The Value of Thematic Preaching. 10/1:11-18. (C.M.G.)

The Vital Role of Christian Education as a Blessing to Our Synod. 39/3:4-9. (C.Thurow)

The Wisconsin Action. 1/4:39-44. (E.R.)

There is a Need to Give Greater Emphasis to the Doctrine of the Priesthood of Believers. 32/2:23-30. (J.B.)

Things to Guard Against in our .. Re-Alignment. 8/2:12-21. E.R.

Things to Guard Against in Our Approach Toward Re-Alignment. 2/1:1-12. (E.R.)

This You Take With You! 28/2:2-6. (G.P.R.)

Three Great Elements of Christian Preaching According to Luke 7:36-50, The:. 31/3:2-22. (A.P. – N.G.)

Thunderbolts from Heaven: Luther’s Bondage of the Will. 37/1:10-31. (G.L.J.)

Titus 3:10 – An Exegetical Brief. 39/4:50-55. (J.L.)

To What Extent Must There be Agreement in Practice before Fellowship Can be Established? 36/1:44-53. (D.R.S.)

Transcendental Meditation. 16/1:12-37. (R.E.W.)

Two Corrections. 4/1:40f. (E.R. & P.G.A.)

Vatican II – A Reform Council? 5/5:10-15. (E.R.)

Veil of Moses, What is the? 18/2:2-18. (R.E.W.)

Walther on Election. 9/3:1-6. (E.R.)

We Recommit Ourselves to Hold Fast to Sound Doctrine. 34/4:23-35. (J.L.)

We Recommit Ourselves to Remembering Our Past. 34/4:6.22. (E.A.H.)

We Recommit Ourselves to the Mission of the Church. 34/4:36-45. (Br.N.)

Wegenke, Matthew: Memorial Address. 24/1:25-28. (C.K.)

WELS and CLC – Still a Difference? 12/4:36-39. (C.M.G.)

WELS and CLC. 14/1:42-44. (C.M.G.)

WELS and SELK. 14/1:39f. (C.M.G.)

WELS History, On Rewriting. 15/2:26-38. (J.L.)

WELS sees us, How. 17/4:32-41. (J.L.)

WELS/ELS/CLC Meeting, Feb. 1-2, 1989. 29/1:28. (J.L.)

What Does the Scripture Teach Concerning the Soul? 10/5:11-38. (A.S.)

What is Man? 30/2:21-26; 30/3:18-21. (J.K.P.)

What’s Wrong With Modern Bible Translations. 1/3:33-37. (E.R.)

When is a Catechumen Ready for Confirmation. 38/ 4:27-35. (A.S.)

Which Wisdom? 4/2:1-15. (M.G.)

Wisdom of God & Presence of Evil in World. 14/3:42ff. (J.L.)

Women serve, To what Extent may? 18/4:23-36. (J.E.S.)

Word is Truth, Thy. 12/4:22-35; 13/1:1-15; 2:1-27. (C.K.)

Words and the Word. 3/2:1-11. (E.S.)

YMCA – Christian yet Open? 13/4:43f. (C.M.G.)

Zechariah, The Eight Night Visions of. 26/4:17-29. (P.F.N.)